Saturday, April 2, 2011

Movies movies movies...

We LOVE to watch movies in our home and it's a great bonding thing for us to do together since we both enjoy movies so much. We like movies of all sorts and we rent/netflix a bunch of movies, but the best part is how many movies we own. We have 450+ movies in our collection and we're always on the look out for more. This includes about 50ish kid movies, lots of comedies, a whole Adam Sandler collection (for Dave), the complete Star Wars saga, chick flicks and so many others. The best is one someone comes into our apartment for the first time and they always have to look at all the movies we own... back at school one guy even "rented" movies from Dave (we both had a little under 200 movies each.... his was just nice and in a bookshelf while I had mine in those nifty cd cases for going back and forth from home to school).
I love watching movies to escape to a new world, new time, or new life and feeling moved in someway. I think movies are a wonderful device and it's so fun to get a new one to add to our ever growing collection.