Monday, April 11, 2011

My Anne Shirley Moment

 So I love the Anne of Green Gables movies (the books are cute too), but I can say I've never really related to Anne (beyond the klutziness). But my moment was due... I have yellow hair! Now, if you're unaware as to what part of Anne's life I'm comparing myself to it's this part
I had gotten a box to lighten my hair with (this is totally normal for me... but it was not my normal box, I knew I should've just stuck with the norm). But when I had washed out all the stuff as told to do by the box I looked up in the mirror and my hair was not blonde, but yellow!! I instantly ran into the bedroom, hid under the covers and sobbed. Dave came in and asked me what was wrong and all I could get out was "my hair" between the crying. My poor husband just sat there with me until I finally stopped crying. He's the best I know.
 After all of that I remember the scene when Anne is crying up in her room and you see she had tried to color her hair black like her best friend Diane's, but it had turned out green!! In the movie they cut her hair which is magically her normal color after they cut it (I desperately wish I could do that).
So now I need to fix it... time to become a brunette I guess... it is what my hair had slowly been turning anyways so it's time to face the music and get rid of this YELLOW HAIR.

And no.... I don't plan on posting a picture of my yellow hair (I can't even look in the mirror), maybe one day years down the road I will. But if you want to imagine what it looks like think of this --- remember how you draw blondes with a yellow marker or crayon, that's the actual color of my hair.
it looks like rRapunzel's glowing hair