Friday, November 11, 2011

"Start Reading"

I recently watched "Miss Potter" and LOVED it! I was inspired by the beauty of the film as well as just the lovely creations Beatrix left us all of her cute furry friends so I had to draw something too (This took me from Mon to Thurs to make)! This image originally had 6 girls listening to the reader and the reader was a little girl like them (first idea was for it to be like "A Little Princess") but thankfully I changed my mind and slimmed it down.
Oh and if you're wondering what book they're reading it's Jane Eyer. And each person is inspired by a book character too! So the red-head is supposed to be Anne from the Anne of Green Gables, the blonde little girl is Alice from Alice in Wonderland, and the brunette is Mary from The Secret Garden and then the reader was going to be a little girl and she was going to be Sara Crew from A Little Princess but I changed that idea and now she's Mrs. Darling from Peter Pan.... All of these books were made around the same time (a little princess included), except Alice's Adventures In Wonderland was written the the mid 1800s rather than the early 1900s like all the other books.
This was the original little head sketch for the reader as a little girl

Ps. Have I mentioned how much I LOVE my tablet!!! But I have to admit I miss actually painting my images too.... oh well