Monday, June 20, 2011

A Trip To NYC

Dave and I have been in New Jersey this month and we were able to go to New York City one weekend. We took the train from New Brunswick to NYC in the morning and headed for Central Park. It was misting/raining that day so we didn't really want to walk around the park (plus it's huge... 2nd largest park... San Francisco has the largest) so we got a guy to give us a tour of the park on a bike (great way to see all the park).
I only took my ipod on this trip so all the pictures aren't the best...
but this is Balto

While we were on our tour the guy asked us if we wanted to play a game where he'd quiz us and if we got the answer right he'd take five bucks off the tour charge and if we got it wrong it'd be five more bucks... we said why not. So his first question was at one of the first statues we saw "Who is that?" he asks and Dave says "Christopher Columbus" then the guy said "You're the first person to ever get that right. You're a smart one. I don't think I want to play this game with you guys anymore." But then he gave us another one for free (I think to test us) where he asked us again who another statue was of and Dave said "Hans Christen Andersen?" then I say "No it's not Hans Christian Andersen... he's a sitting statue. Not Hans Christen Andersen" luckily the guy didn't hear Dave answer or me saying who it wasn't so then Dave said "Shakespeare?" and we got it right... he didn't quiz us anymore.
When the tour finished we got off and started walking towards Time Square. We grabbed some hot dogs and were walking when Dave saw a store called David Z. ... it was fate that he would out of all the names for a store. We would've been more impressed though if it was a Gabrielle Z.
We walked through Time Sq stopping at a couple of stores like the "Toys R' Us" store that has a ferris wheel inside of it and the Disney store and a few others.
Then we went to The Museum of Natural History (I hadn't been there before) which was cool and fun. We looked at animals and the dinosaurs.

We then got back on the train, grabbed some dinner, and went to bed. It was fun to go with my husband (especially since it was his first time).

Here are pictures from my first trip to NYC back in 2008 with Holly