Friday, November 8, 2013

Cooking Helper

Cohen and I made pumpkin bread the other day. He had his own little bowl and was happy stirring the spice containers in it and helping me stir my bowl every so often. Sadly, I put too much pumpkin in the bread so it didn't ever come out right. But at least we had fun trying.

 Cohen, also helped me while I made Chicken and Broccoli Casserole which is a family favorite. Both in our little family and in my Murphy family.

 And he helped me again with making waffles.
He LOVES being my little helper. Even if it means cleaning up his messes he's always willing to help for a little bit. He's so cute and is great at giving things to people if we ask as well as bringing things to us when we ask. He loves to help close things, which is great since he is CONSTANTLY opening the dishwasher. He even was extremely giggly and happy to help me dust the piano the other day. He is such a cute little guy.