Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Playlist for My Neverland...

So I have this running playlist on itunes called "My Neverland" and having had problems with itunes a couple of times now I went through and put them as imixes through itunes just so I could have a thing to go off of if it ever gets deleted again. Now I had to separate it up into 6 sections and they still couldn't put all of my songs on these imixes since they don't sell them all, but for an idea here they are-

Now what you need to really know about these playlists (this playlist) is it is the one I listen to while painting, drawing, writing, or doing anything that involves a creativity inspiration. This playlist is comprised of many genres, singers, and songs but all inspire me and are generally on the calmer and light side as to not be over bearing while doing such creative outlets of mine.