Sunday, October 19, 2008

When Poetry Takes Your Heart And Soul

This is my favorite poem... I think it's beautifully written:

Incident in a Rose Garden

By:Donald Justice


Sir, I encountered Death

Just now among our roses

Thin as a scythe he stood there.

I knew him by his pictures

He had on his black coat

Black gloves, and broad black hat.

I think he would have spoken,

Seeing his mouth stood open.

Big it was, with white teeth.

As soon as he beckoned,

I ran.I ran until I found you.

Sir, I'm quitting my job.

I want to see my sons

Once more before I die.

I want to see California.


Sir, you must be that stranger

Who threatened my gardener.

This is my property, sir.

I welcome only friends here.


Sir, I knew your father.

And we were friends at the end.

As for your gardener,

I did not threaten him.

Old men mistake my gestures.

I only meant to ask him

To show me to his master.

I take it you are he?

These are some poems I've written that I am some what proud of, you don't have to like them and I know that they don't even compare to Incident in the Rose Garden...

Love's Eyes

“Love Looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged cupid painted blind…” for we do not choose whether we shall fall or not, no matter what we may tell ourselves, but it is within ourselves, in our innermost corners of our heart, we may search for a life time, or be hidden blind, but love will always touch us in a way we might not recognize, but to believe in it even if blind is when it will be visible to our inner eyes, for now I see you not as the world may look, but only as I have seen, for truly you’re more beautiful as I look on the inside then out, for your strength and wisdom I give up these worldly eyes, for your laughter and love I’d give up mine own life, for to love you over and over I wish never to end, to spend all mine days and much longer with you by my side, so stay a little longer, let mine heart memorize the beat of thine own, to stay in your arms forever, my prince, my love, my life…

His Hands

Stretching forth His pure white hands,
Reaching towards His gentle lamb.
His hands had stories to tell,
Rough from His knowledge of carpenter skills.
Performing marvels, defying all odds,
They helped and comforted, with love as their cause.
He taught and showed others to watch His hands,
To follow His example of living the plan.
His hands were steady as He molded our hearts,
Teaching us truths and how to do our part.
They pierced His hands and watched Him die,
He’d come again with His all-knowing eyes.
He returned for them and showed the way,
We’ll find it simple if only we obey.
His hands reach for me and He calls my name.
I’ll return to Him, His glory to proclaim.

Love's Crisp Fellings

Oh my love a thousand tears I shed for you, never fully allowing myself to realize my deep
love under this burning hate.
I laughed as a child when you left, wishing to never see you again, yet I die each day over
that you aren’t here.
My Clark, my dearest enemy, my dearest love, come back to me for my hate will surely
fade to nothingness and my love will glow brighter than the sun.
Yet my hatred burns like the sun and can’t be hidden away, the stabbing pain tearing me
apart with you gone.
Can hate be born with love dearest Clark? I swear to it that I, Cathleen, will always love
you my dear, even if it must come with hate, for a million years my feelings will burn true.
Clark as Heathcliff - “…he'll love and hate equally under cover, and esteem it a species of
impertinence to be loved or hated again.”

Snow White and The Queen

Cold, cruel, calm and crisp,
Winter’s colorless stagnant hold,
The tight grasp of the evil Queen.

Bursting, blossoms, buds and butterflies,
Spring comes again to renew life,
A new beginning for Snow White.