Tuesday, September 17, 2013

17 September 2013

My family got came to visit us this last weekend for Cohen's birthday party. They got in at 1 am on Friday. That day was filled with walking, shopping, eating, prepping for the party, and hanging out.
Saturday was Cohen's party day which we got finished up with prepping for by the time the first people showed up. The party was fun and laid back as everyone ate and watched all the babies.
After the party Cohen went down for his nap after which we went to Round Table for dinner and then to the park by the library. We had fun walking on the "squishy" flooring they have at the park, swinging, and running around. That night we played Disney Trivia as well as having Kiernan and my dad try out our Kinect.
The next morning we said goodbye. The weekend was a success even if it was short.
in his pack n play while getting ready for everyone to get here

waiting for Grandma, Aunt Jessy, and Uncle Kiernan so we can go on our walk

got put into the new trashcan by grandpa

pj's we need to get for Cohen from walmart

his "evil" face for Mordred

sitting at my favorite knight's spot

where did grandpa go

doing some pull ups

skiing on the Matterhorn with Disneyland Kinect

Light saber time