Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Birthday Fun

So for my birthday (well day before) Dave and I went to the zoo. I LOVE the zoo. We drove out the long way since the bridge we normally use to go into Seattle is now a toll bridge and then we had to find parking which took maybe another 20 mins (they have this really lame parking system with a few parking lots going around the zoo but no real big parking lot or parking structure... we almost just went back home) but we found a spot thank goodness and headed into the zoo. We were starved by the time we got there so we went to this little food cart that we waited in line for but they didn't have hot dogs unlike they had advertised but they were kind enough to direct us to the little food court. We grabbed some pizza slices (they also had no line unlike all the other little food options) and chowed down. After that we bumped into a friend of mine and her family who had just sat down to eat with their family at the zoo so that was fun to see them.
Well seeing as we were at a zoo we thought it'd be fun to go check out some animals. So we headed to my favorite animals they have at the zoo, the red pandas. The pandas had decided they wanted to hide away from society though on this beautiful sunny day though so no pandas for me. We then went to see the African Safari animals which was fun because they had giraffes (my all time favorite animal) and hippos (which Dave loves) as well as some other fun animals. 
Dave loves that the one hippo is resting his head on the other hippo's bum

The shadow figure is me... we had to use my ipod since I had forgot my sd card for my real camera
After that we went and saw all the rest of the animals, including:
A goose who was with the flamingos and was trying very hard to be a flamingo by lifting his one leg up (his doesn't bend backwards though) and tucking his head into his feathers
An orangutan who was trying to make a fort or something like that
A bear who was trying to hide away from the world but his HUGE head was the only thing still showing
A sneaky little arctic fox who lots of people thought they had seen but he came out after that group of people had left
Over all it was a really fun trip and a great birthday adventure.
That night we went over to my parents to celebrate with them. My mom had made two sets of ribs (I really enjoy ribs) and some mashed potatoes (also a favorite) and my favorite dessert which we call "Raspberry Dessert" (which doesn't give you any clue as to what it is other than a dessert with raspberries). All the food was wonderful!
After everything I opened presents which were dishes! My parents were nice enough to buy us an actual dish set since we never got one as a wedding present a year and a half ago and I LOVE them. It was a lot of fun going to the stores with my mom to pick them out. I also got some bonus green converses which was awesome.
Sunday was the Superbowl which Dave was excited to watch and we just hung out all day which made for a lovely birthday.

Speaking of birthday's today is California Adventure's 11th birthday.... I hadn't realized it had even been around that long... that's exactly half of my life that it's actually existed which is crazy since I remember Disneyland without it and when they started to work on it and we got to see the plans for it and videos on it. So way to go CA!