Wednesday, June 25, 2014

And It's a...

We all woke up a little earlier than normal so we could go find out what this little baby was. We didn't have to wait too long to go in for the ultrasound and the lady tried to get through the measuring part as fast as she could so we could find out, especially since we had Cohen with us. He did a pretty good job waiting for everything. Then it was time to make our guesses. Dave was confident it was a girl and I was unsure since it changed on a daily basis for me. Then she told us, "It's 100% a GIRL!" We were all very excited, Cohen was too even if he didn't really know what was going on.

I can't believe we are having a baby girl. It's crazy finally knowing that little Olivia will be joining our family in November! I love finally knowing and can't wait to meet this little girl. Even already went and bought my first little dress for her this afternoon during Cohen's nap. Then after his nap he helped with taking the gender reveal pictures. Thank goodness for tripods and remotes so he was eentertained while helping me.
