Thursday, April 11, 2013


So this year so far Cohen and I have gone on a lot of walks. At first it was a for sure once a week thing going walking up the hill, walk through a couple stores, and walk back home. This last month we've gone walking for sure twice a week and I love it! Spring is BEAUTIFUL here with the warmer weather and the pretty little wild flowers. This week I decided to be brave and we even walked down some trails right by our apartment. The reason this normally doesn't happen is because of these guys:
Yeah, I'm terrified of them. And it's way more likely to run into them while on the trails rather than walking up the hill on the sidewalk, except for that one time when they were across the street and I had to take a picture of them with my phone and then walk a little faster/check over my should a couple times.
Cohen likes our walks a lot too. He loves getting to look at all the things and just chill in his stroller (which he gets sick of when we go places like Babies R Us). I've even strapped him into the baby carrier a few times and walked with him up the hill that way. He's getting too heavy/I'm too weak for that now though until we get like a hiking approved one which I can't put him into by myself.
It's great getting the little exercise though and enjoying the weather until summer comes (thank goodness I'm not going to be HUGE this summer like last year).