Monday, February 7, 2011

Birthday Birthday

So my birthday was this last Saturday. It was my first birthday that I got to celebrate with Dave and it was delightful. We woke up, got ready for the day, opened presents up, talked to my family, went to Applebees for dinner, talked to Camille, watched movies, ate ice-cream cake and then went to bed.
I got so many fun presents this year including:
The Star Wars series, all 6 of them!!! (yes I love Star Wars)
The Rescuers Down Under
Phillipa Gregory books -- The Wideacre Series and Earthly Joys series
The Black Cauldron Book Series
The Importance of Being Ernest movie - Collin Firth one
Sooo many fun gifts :)

We also got a bunch of wedding presents we'd been waiting to get too which was LOVELY!

Life is great beyond all that, I've been sick with a cold lately though, but Dave has been great coping with it as well as being there for me when I couldn't handle it. I'm so lucky to be married to such a great man who'll rub my tummy for my while I'm bawling and my cold is going all over my face.