Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Christmas Wishlist 2...

So being on the computer a lot of my day allows me to find things I want for Christmas a lot easier... So I made a 2nd Christmas Wishlist to go with the first
Shirt in M from Disney Store
I just finished The White Queen and LOVED it
So now I need this one which is also in the Cousins War Series
And with that Philippa Gregory Book I also want the Tudor Series which goes in this order -
Found Here
And yes I want this cover, not the movie cover
Then it's this one
Here's this one
I already own The Queen's Fool but it's in my room at my families house.....

This comes next
And this is the last one
Then of course I'd need this movie
plus I just love these kind of movies anyways
Then there's this movie too
I LOVE this movie
I saw this movie twice in theaters and loved it
The Kristen Bell When In Rome not to be confused with
the Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen one
This movie is very funny!
Cold Press Water Color Paper
ps there's an art supply store here and they're online too
and I could always use more watercolor colors too :)