Friday, February 19, 2010

Just To Ramble....

So you know what I hate.... I hate it when you have a class and you do all the assigned work and then you go to take the test on that unit and the teacher asks you all these question which weren't in the reading at all and then he doesn't even ask questions about some of the reading assignments that he chose to have us read. Sure they might be thought provoking but it's not like that's my one and only class that I have to focus on at this point in my life. And going back to that testing us on things that we don't even learn about.... ok I understand the whole going beyond the textbook and researching a little bit on our own but it comes to a point when it's to far out there. Like when studying ancient Greece I not only have to know ALL the Gods and Goddesses, but every little finanite detail about them, ALL the wars that any Greek participated in, ALL Greek artwork, and so on when he doesn't even make mention of having to know these things at all.... If he really wanted us to know about all these things you'd think that he'd focus it down maybe each week or even include a reading assignment on these things but nope.... the only way to find out is while you're taking the test.