Tuesday, November 18, 2008


This is my little ode for thanksgiving so I can say I wrote something for it before writing about stuff for Christmas...

I LOVE Thanksgiving. It's my favorite holiday of the year. It could be because it was my Grandpa's favorite, but I've always loved it. It's a good time to sit back and be with family, the people who you should be most thankful for in your life. I like that it does kind of get overlooked because then it will always be the same. It'll always have it's true meaning to hold onto. Sure you hear the commercials about buying the right turkey but they never try to change the meaning of it like they do with Christmas.

It's also my favorite holiday though because of the food. I LOVE all of it and I could eat it for hours... which I do every year. My favorite is the mashed potatoes, but they are accompanied wonderfully by the turkey, gravy, and other delicacies of the night.

I love to get dressed up and sit out at our dining room table and have a real family dinner. We always seem to have the TV going whenever we eat in the family room and it's all about can I finish this meal in time to get on the Xbox to play with my friends. With Thanksgiving we all take our time, enjoying the food and each other. It's a perfect beginning to the ending of each year.

Now this couldn't be complete without taking time to reflect on things that I am thankful for ahead of time and not just that one day.

I'm thankful for my family, for all the day, for their patience with me, their love and support with everything. I'm grateful for friends who are good examples and teach me new things. I'm grateful for music, poems, books, and artwork. I'm grateful to live in a good home, for the things I have, and for the ability to live in a comfortable situation. I'm grateful for the church and for all I've learned within it and from my own studies Christ's words. I'm grateful that Jesus atoned for my sins, that he has felt my sorrows and my pains, but I'm even more grateful that he has felt my joys and knows of my most precious moments. I'm grateful for His love and understanding of me. I'm grateful that I have a job and that I can go to college soon. I'm grateful for all the good and bad things that have happened in my life and for all that they have taught me. I'm grateful for people who stand up for their beliefs and are willing to listen to both sides. I'm grateful for many things...